Dementia Care Help & Advice
Dementia is one of the most debilitating and heart-breaking conditions in the world, and at Applewood Healthcare, we understand that specialist care is often required.
Across our homes, we provide leading dementia care and dementia support, offering the highest level of care for sufferers while supporting them and their family members during this difficult time.
We know that no two people are the same, and dementia symptoms are different for everyone. With this in mind, we guarantee a completely person-centric approach to dementia care, personalising our services to ensure you or your loved one is as happy and comfortable as possible.
Our carers and nurses are fully qualified to handle all aspects of dementia care, while never forgetting the individual at the heart of it all.
Plus, our homes are dementia friendly, and feature clear signage throughout while the residents’ rooms all include familiar elements to minimise confusion. We will also incorporate regular activities to encourage memory and mental stimulation that help the residents engage and interact with one another so that they remain social and not isolated.
We’ll assess each individual resident’s condition, with our team trained and qualified to handle all types of dementia including vascular dementia.
For help and advice or to find out more, contact Applewood Healthcare today.